I'm not gonna lie. Living on an island can be tough. Which may surprise some of you, right? I mean, hell...I live on a tropical effin' island. I'm surrounded on the daily by palm trees...Read More
If you haven't heard, I branched out into vlogging with my new Ask An Island Girl Q&A series. It took me some time to get past my (a) fear of being in front of the...Read More
My alternative title for this post was going to be "The Caribbean Destroys Everything...Including Your Soul," but I thought that sounded a tad melodramatic. Even for me. But it's true. In reality, all the endless...Read More
Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a H-U-G-E dog lover. Not just "hey dogs are OK" sort of person, but the type bordering on obsessed. While my pack is holding steady at...Read More
Usually, this is the spot where you'd find my latest blog post, filled with witty observations and wry commentary on the absurdity of island life. And on more introspective days, my musings on the ups...Read More
Just when I started worrying that island life was getting almost normal and that I'd run out of absurd situations to write about, the universe reminded me otherwise. Specifically, that I do, in fact, still...Read More