Island Girls Get Around

Island Girls Get Around as you're reading this, I am likely bobbing around somewhere on a boat in the Caribbean Sea. Not for pleasure, mind you, although as work goes things could be worse. So instead of writing...Read More
What I’m NOT Doing In 2018

What I’m NOT Doing In 2018

By now, you're social media feeds have been flooded with holiday wishes and tidings for the new year. I don't know about you, but I've had my fill of all things yule. While I love...Read More
SUP Up Your Life

SUP Up Your Life

Remember that 90s girl group, The Spice Girls? I had the pleasure (?) of chaperoning my daughter and her friends to one of their concerts back in the day. Yes, I got mom points. No,...Read More
Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice

So...because I don't have enough on my plate these days, I decided to take in a neglected puppy. This is officially a foster situation, but with the already abundant (healthy) puppy population waiting to be...Read More
A New Adventure Begins

A New Adventure Begins

Yesterday, I left Guernsey. Forever. I'd like to say it was with mixed emotions, but all I felt was relief. One of the best things you can do for yourself is learn to recognise when...Read More