Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice

So...because I don't have enough on my plate these days, I decided to take in a neglected puppy. This is officially a foster situation, but with the already abundant (healthy) puppy population waiting to be...Read More
Letting Go

Letting Go

Today is Good Friday. At least for my Christian friends. A day that signifies suffering and death and sorrow (not to put too morose a spin on the day...but it is what it is). And...Read More
Hello 2017

Hello 2017

So it is the last day of the year. The clock is ticking down towards midnight and a new year. I'm not big on resolutions. But as I was doing my traditional end-of-year office cleanup,...Read More
Finding the Tradewinds Again

Finding the Tradewinds Again

Ah...two years...such a long hiatus from absurd Caribbean adventures. You know, the ones you can only truly experience when you willingly put yourself on a tropical rock for more than just a holiday. Although I...Read More