Vitamin Sea Therapy

Vitamin Sea Therapy

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea." ~ Isak Dinesen This is my favorite quote. Ever. I first read it in a Jimmy Buffet autobiography, when he paraphrased it....Read More
The Trouble With Paradise

The Trouble With Paradise

Well...not really. There is no real trouble with paradise, it just seems like it sometimes. After all, paradise is pretty much that...paradise. The sun rises, the palm trees sway, the turquoise sea sparkles like a...Read More
Lessons From a Giant Yellow Duck

Lessons From a Giant Yellow Duck

So, yeah...the giant inflatable pool float fad has finally come to my rock. I know, I know. For those of you who live in slightly more modernized locales (pretty much anywhere other than here), those...Read More
Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice

So...because I don't have enough on my plate these days, I decided to take in a neglected puppy. This is officially a foster situation, but with the already abundant (healthy) puppy population waiting to be...Read More