The Downside To Hitchhiking With A Pickaxe

The Downside To Hitchhiking With A Pickaxe

When you move to the islands, you quickly find yourself doing things you'd never imagine doing on the mainland. Like... Drinking and driving. Ok, perhaps in your "real-world" life you occasionally drove home after enjoying...Read More
There Are No Mistakes, Only Choices

There Are No Mistakes, Only Choices

Two weeks away from one's daily routine is truly good for the soul. Even more important than reconnecting with family and friends, you have a chance to really unplug and do some solid introspection -...Read More
The Truth About Going Home

The Truth About Going Home

I've written a lot about rock fever - that inevitable affliction that hits most (all?) Island Girls at some point. The one that has you lamenting your relocation to a floating oasis of endless sunshine...Read More