Humor is an essential part of island life. After all, when a flying cockroach the size of a sparrow decides to take flight straight at your head, the only response (after shrieking and running full...Read More
You know those "you have memories" posts you get in your Facebook news feed? Most days, I just glance at mine and keep scrolling. Sometimes I smile at a photo that takes me back to...Read More
For the most part, I've adapted to the interminable lines that precede virtually every activity here that requires a visit to a government (or pseudo-government) office. Or any place where queues tend to form. You...Read More
"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea." ~ Isak Dinesen This is my favorite quote. Ever. I first read it in a Jimmy Buffet autobiography, when he paraphrased it....Read More
Little known fact: In a former life, I was an event planner. I've always loved party planning, even before I got paid to do it. The creativity, the organizing, the execution. I love it. And...Read More
One week out from Hurricane Irma. Military forces from the UK, US, France & The Netherlands have finally moved in to restore some semblance of order. The looting is subsiding and aid is being distributed....Read More