Yesterday, I left Guernsey. Forever.
I’d like to say it was with mixed emotions, but all I felt was relief.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is learn to recognise when something isn’t a good fit for you – and then have the courage to change it. This applies to everything in life, by the way…jobs, marriages, lifestyles.
That doesn’t mean the “thing” is necessarily bad in and of itself. (Guernsey was not…loads of people love it there, and it is a physically beautiful place. Go visit. Seriously.) No, when you leave it just reflects that you and “it” did not mesh, for whatever reason. Leaving isn’t judgment, it is just what you need to do.
So yesterday was wheels up. Coincidentally my spirits lifted as quickly as the airplane. And this morning I find myself temporarily housed with a lovely friend in one of my favourite cities – Amsterdam. This is what greeted me when I walked in the door.
Although my friend was out of town for the weekend, she made sure to make me feel totally at home the moment I arrived. Plus, her choice of artwork above the fireplace was just what I needed to read last night after 18 months of uncertainty.
Today I start Dutch language lessons one-on-one with a private tutor. Hopefully at the end of 10 days, I will be at least basically proficient. I did attempt a few short conversations yesterday, including with the immigration control officer who seemed impressed enough with my limited Dutch to smile at me and congratulate me on trying. And then stamped my brand new passport and let me in. Success!
And so it begins. Another new adventure in my funny, unpredictable life.